
Supertypes and types can be used to produce agents and environments that are generalised over certain defined parameters. For a specific agent class or environment class we declare the fields we want to be general over. During training, for each episode we can randomly sample a value from a distribution for each parameter. During rollouts we can then explore the full sample space.

Below is an example demonstrating what can be acheived:

# We want to model an agent called SimpleAgent that completes tasks of varying
# difficulty each step. Our agent has a skill parameter that affects how likely the
# agent is to complete the task. We want to train the agent for many different skill
# levels to learn a generalised policy.

class SimpleAgent(ph.Agent):
    # We define a supertype dataclass for our agent:
    class Supertype(ph.Supertype):
        # Each field in the dataclass is a parameter of the Type.
        skill_weight: float = 1.0

    # We don't need to provide an instance of the Supertype class when we create
    # instances of the agent class.
    def __init__(self, agent_id: ph.AgentID):

    def reset(self):
        # When reset() is called on the ph.Agent class the supertype is sampled
        # and values populated in the 'type' property of the agent.
        return super().reset()

    def compute_reward(self, ctx) -> float:
        task_difficulty = random()

        # We access the sampled values through the 'type' property on the agent
        if task_difficulty > self.type.skill:
            return REWARD_FOR_COMPLETE
            return PENALTY_FOR_NO_COMPLETE

When we call the train method we setup the sampling of the supertype with a mapping of agent IDs to supertype instances. We initialise each supertype instance with either fixed values or Sampler classes. Each time the supertype is sampled, a new ‘type’ object is created containing the sampled values, and is attached to the respective agent.

Initialising supertypes in this scenario can be done in one of two ways. The first is passing in a Supertype instance:

        "agent_supertypes": {
            "SIMPLE_AGENT": SimpleAgent.Supertype(
                # When training is run, for each episode the 'skill_weight' parameter
                # will be uniformly sampled from the range 0.0 to 1.0:
                skill_weight: UniformFloatSampler(0.0, 1.0)

The second is to pass in a dict that is used to populate the supertype, this relies on the agent that the supertype is intended for having a Supertype sub class defined in it:

        "agent_supertypes": {
            "SIMPLE_AGENT": {
                # When training is run, for each episode the 'skill_weight' parameter
                # will be uniformly sampled from the range 0.0 to 1.0:
                "skill_weight" : UniformFloatSampler(0.0, 1.0)

Afterwards, when we perform rollouts we instead initialise each supertype with either fixed values or Range classes that will sample over a fixed set of values.

The following shows the use of Ranges with the utils.rllib.rollout() function:

        "SIMPLE_AGENT": SimpleAgent.Supertype(
            # 11 rollouts will be performed, each with a value along the linearly
            # spaced range from 0.0 to 1.0:
            skill_weight: LinspaceRange(0.0, 1.0, n=11)

Supertypes can also be applied to the environment as a whole, this is useful in scenarios such as varying the stochastic network connectivity probabilities:

class SimpleEnv(ph.PhantomEnvironment):
    # We define a base supertype dataclass for the env, just as we do for an agent:
    class Supertype(ph.Supertype):
        avg_connectivity: float = 0.5

    def __init__(self, env_supertype, **kwargs):
        agents = [

        network = StochasticNetwork(agents)

        network.add_connection("a1", "a2", env_supertype.avg_connectivity)

            num_steps=10, network=network, env_supertype=env_supertype, **kwargs