Tutorial - Part 2

Part 1 of the tutorial showed how to set up a simple Phantom experiment. This next part covers some additional features of Phantom that will help make your experiments even better!



In the latter part of the previous tutorial setup we demonstrated the use of metrics for recording data from the environment and agents.

Metric values are recorded at the end of every step. When performing training, a single float/integer value must be returned for the whole episode so a reduction operation must be performed. The default is to take the most recent metric value, i.e. that of the last step in the episode. The values seen in tensorboard are the average of these reduced values over each batch of episodes.

When performing rollouts, every value for every step is recorded, giving fine grained information on each step in each episode.

In our supply chain example we want to monitor the average amount of stock the shop is holding onto as the experiment progresses. Phantom provides a base Metric class but for the majority of use-cases the provided helper classes SimpleAgentMetric and SimpleEnvMetric are enough.

metrics = {
    "SHOP/stock": SimpleAgentMetric(agent_id="SHOP", agent_property="stock", reduce_action="last"),

The SimpleAgentMetric will record the given property on the agent. Similarly the SimpleEnvMetric records a given property that exists on the environment instance.

As well as the last reduction operation, there is also sum and mean.

We register metrics using the metrics property on the ph.utils.rllib.train() function. The name can be whatever the user wants however it is sensible to include the name of the agent and the property that is being measured, eg. SHOP/stock.

Shared Policies

We will now introduce the feature of shared policy learning in Phantom using RLlib. To do this we will create two shops that will compete with each other. Both shops will use the same policy, for both learning and evaluation.

To keep it simple the customers will choose one of the shops at random each step – the shops are technically not truly competing here.

Our experiment structure will now look like the following:


To do this we make several modifications to the code:

  • We modify the CustomerAgent class to accept a list of shop IDs rather than a single shop ID. The customer will then choose at random one of the shops to go to along with the existing random generation of the order quantity.

class CustomerAgent(ph.Agent):
    def __init__(self, agent_id: str, shop_ids: List[str]):

        # We need to store the shop IDs so we can send order requests to them.
        self.shop_ids: List[str] = shop_ids
  • We modify the generate_messages(): method to pick a shop at random and place an order at that shop each step.

    def generate_messages(self, ctx: ph.Context):
        # At the start of each step we generate an order with a random size to send
        # to a randomly selected shop.
        order_size = np.random.randint(CUSTOMER_MAX_ORDER_SIZE)

        shop_id = np.random.choice(self.shop_ids)

        # We perform this action by sending a stock request message to the factory.
        return [(shop_id, OrderRequest(order_size))]

  • We modify the environment to create multiple shop agents like we did previously with the customer agents. We make sure all customers are connected to all shops.


class SupplyChainEnv(ph.PhantomEnv):
    def __init__(self):
        # Define agent IDs
        factory_id = "WAREHOUSE"
        customer_ids = [f"CUST{i+1}" for i in range(NUM_CUSTOMERS)]
        shop_ids = [f"SHOP{i+1}" for i in range(NUM_SHOPS)]

        factory_agent = FactoryAgent(factory_id)
        customer_agents = [CustomerAgent(cid, shop_ids=shop_ids) for cid in customer_ids]
        shop_agents = [ShopAgent(sid, factory_id=factory_id) for sid in shop_ids]

        agents = [factory_agent] + shop_agents + customer_agents

        # Define Network and create connections between agents
        network = ph.Network(agents)

        # Connect the shops to the factory
        network.add_connections_between(shop_ids, [factory_id])

        # Connect the shop to the customers
        network.add_connections_between(shop_ids, customer_ids)

To use a shared policy we modify the policies argument to the ph.utils.rllib.train() function. Instead of passing the a list of IDs of the agents we want to train with the shop_policy we can pass the ShopAgent class. This means any agent in the envrionment that belongs to this class will use share the policy.

    policies={"shop_policy": ShopAgent},

Modular Encoders, Decoders & Reward Functions


So far we have used the decode_action(), encode_observation() and compute_reward() methods in our ShopAgent definition. However Phantom also provides an alternative set of interfaces for more advanced use cases. We can create custom Encoder, Decoder and RewardFunction classes that perform the same functionality and attach them to agents.

This provides two key benefits:

  • Code reuse - Functionality that is shared across multiple agent types only has to be implemented once.

  • Composability - Using the ChainedEncoder and ChainedDecoder classes we can cleanly combine multiple encoders and decoders into complex objects, whilst keeping the individual functionality of each sub encoder separated.

Phantom StrategicAgent`s will first check to see if a custom :meth:`decode_action(), encode_observation() or compute_reward() method has been implemented on the class. If not, the agent will then check to see if a custom Encoder, Decoder or RewardFunction class has been provided for the agent. If neither is provided for any of the three, an exception will be raised!

Lets say we want to introduce a second type of ShopAgent, one with a different type of reward function – this new ShopAgent may not be concerned about the amount of missed sales it has.

One option is to copy the entire ShopAgent and edit its compute_reward() method. However a better option is to remove the compute_reward() method from the ShopAgent and create two different RewardFunction objects and initialise each type of agent with one:

class ShopRewardFunction(ph.RewardFunction):
    def reward(self, ctx: ph.Context) -> float:
        return ctx.agent.sales - 0.1 * ctx.agent.stock

class SimpleShopRewardFunction(ph.RewardFunction):
    def reward(self, ctx: ph.Context) -> float:
        return ctx.agent.sales

Note that we now access the ShopAgent’s state through the ctx.agent property.

We modify our ShopAgent class so that it takes a RewardFunction object as an initialisation parameter and passes it to the underlying Phantom StrategicAgent class.

class ShopAgent(ph.Agent):
    def __init__(self, agent_id: str, factory_id: str, reward_function: ph.RewardFunction):
        super().__init__(agent_id, reward_function=reward_function)


Next we modify our SupplyChainEnv to allow the creation of a mix of shop types:


class SupplyChainEnv(ph.PhantomEnv):
    def __init__(self):

        shop_t1_ids = [f"SHOP_T1_{i+1}" for i in range(NUM_SHOPS_TYPE_1)]
        shop_t2_ids = [f"SHOP_T2{i+1}" for i in range(NUM_SHOPS_TYPE_2)]
        shop_ids = shop_t1_ids + shop_t2_ids


        shop_agents = [
            ShopAgent(sid, factory_id, ShopRewardFunction())
            for sid in shop_t1_ids
        ] + [
            ShopAgent(sid, factory_id, SimpleShopRewardFunction())
            for sid in shop_t2_ids


Types & Supertypes

Now let’s say we want to develop a rounded policy throughout the training that works with a range of reward functions that all slightly modify the weight of the stock factor. Doing this manually would be cumbersome. Instead we can use the Phantom types and supertypes feature.

For the ShopAgent we define a class as a property of the shop named Supertype that inherits from the ph.Supertype class that defines the supertype of the agent. In our case this only contains the excess_stock_weight parameter we want to vary. When defining our supertype it is good practice to give all fields a default value!


class ShopAgent(ph.Agent):

    class Supertype(ph.Supertype):
        excess_stock_weight: float = 0.1

We no longer need to pass in a custom RewardFunction class to the ShopAgent:

    def __init__(self, agent_id: str, factory_id: str):



As we are using the RLlib backend to train, we don’t need to provide the ShopAgent with the new supertype, this is handled by the included training and evaluation functions and allows the use of Sampler s and Range s.

In this example for the sake of simplicity we go back to using the compute_reward() method on the ShopAgent. We modify it to take the excess_stock_weight value from the agent’s type:

    def compute_reward(self, ctx: ph.Context) -> float:
        # We reward the agent for making sales.
        # We penalise the agent for holding onto excess stock.
        return self.sales - self.type.excess_stock_weight * self.stock

We also need to modify the ShopAgent’s observation space to include it’s type values. This is key to allowing the ShopAgent to learn a generalised policy.

    def __init__(self, agent_id: str, factory_id: str):

        # = [Stock, Sales, Missed Sales, Type.Excess Stock Weight]
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(4,))


    def encode_observation(self, ctx: ph.Context):
        max_sales_per_step = NUM_CUSTOMERS * CUSTOMER_MAX_ORDER_SIZE

        return np.array(
                self.stock / SHOP_MAX_STOCK,
                self.sales / max_sales_per_step,
                self.missed_sales / max_sales_per_step,
                self.type.excess_stock_weight / MAX_EXCESS_STOCK_WEIGHT,

    def observation_space(self):
        return gym.spaces.Tuple(
                # We include the agent's type in it's observation space to allow it to learn
                # a generalised policy.
                # We also encode the shop's current stock in the observation.
                gym.spaces.Discrete(SHOP_MAX_STOCK + 1),

To sample from a distribution of values for the supertypes whilst training we add the agent_supertypes argument to the train function:

        "SHOP1": {"excess_stock_weight": UniformFloatSampler(0.0, MAX_EXCESS_STOCK_WEIGHT)},
        "SHOP2": {"excess_stock_weight": UniformFloatSampler(0.0, MAX_EXCESS_STOCK_WEIGHT)},

At the start of each episode in training, each shop agent’s excess_stock_weight type value will be independently sampled from a random uniform distribution between 0.0 and 0.2.

The supertype system in Phantom is very powerful. To see a full guide to its features see the Supertypes page.